Traits of using the Nova+POS system for your restaurant

To survive in a place like Dubai, it is necessary for a restaurant to have an efficient POS, and NovaPlus POS is the answer. Developed by Azinova Technologies after years of hard work and understanding exactly what customers and restaurants need to exist symbiotically and happily, let’s now dive deep and explore the features of our product.

pos system

Traits of Novaplus POS 

Novaplus POS is the ideal restaurant POS software for the following reasons.

It can be integrated with a kitchen display: 

Timely order delivery is a top priority for restaurants in Dubai, and NovaPlus POS can assist you in achieving this goal. A kitchen display is connected to the kitchen, allowing chefs to view real-time orders from customers and promptly prepare and deliver the food without wasting a single minute.

This not only ensures efficient operations but also enhances the overall user experience for restaurant visitors. With NovaPlus POS, patrons can savour your delicious food without unnecessary delays, ultimately reducing processing time.

It helps to scale your restaurant 

Every restaurant owner aspires to grow their business, turning their dream into a reality. However, concerns about managing the business and whether their POS system can handle scalability often arise.

With NovaPlus POS, these worries can be put to rest. Our system is designed to seamlessly manage over a hundred outlets, all monitored efficiently from a single location. The key is our centralized backend system, ensuring ease of control and eliminating any difficulties in scaling up your business.

Call logger and recorder module: 

Our POS system seamlessly integrates with a call logger and recorder module, allowing you to maintain comprehensive call logs for each customer. These logs are connected to the customer database, providing a personalized experience. Customers won’t need to repeat information during calls, streamlining their interactions.

Additionally, these calls can be recorded for training purposes. When customers contact your support staff, they are greeted with a personalized message. As you review these calls, they serve as valuable data input, offering insights to better understand your business and enabling informed actions to enhance overall operations.

Three-tier architecture that helps you to maintain everything easily.

Our product operates on a versatile three-tier architecture, offering a stand-alone model, an intranet-based model, and a cloud-based model. This approach prioritizes security and data integrity without compromising the user-friendly nature of the system, facilitating seamless business scalability.

Intranet Model: This model assists in organizing inventory and managing sales efficiently.

Stand-alone Model: Designed to handle billing and delivery channels with ease, it syncs order details and inventory within a single POS unit.

Easy secure and user-friendly platform:

The common goal of every restaurant POS is to simplify restaurant operations. Our POS software is the elixir you’ve been searching for – a user-friendly solution that is easy for your restaurant staff to operate with minimal training. It ensures a swift checkout, making it the fastest option available, and prioritizes security, guaranteeing the utmost data privacy.

Years of UI/UX research have gone into crafting our platform, making it not only user-friendly but also easy to navigate. Our intention is to create the best possible user experience, ensuring that people find it both efficient and enjoyable to use.

Mobile application to track delivery status:

In the fast-paced world of running a restaurant, staying updated on the delivery status of customer orders is crucial. Our restaurant POS addresses this need by providing an online delivery boy application. This application automates the entire doorstep delivery order process, ensuring real-time updates and incorporating the latest technological features.

 Regular updates, significantly automate the ordering and delivery processes, reducing the workload for your staff.

Android Waiter application: 

This application eliminates the need for multiple orders managed by your server staff. It provides the flexibility to add or remove any order as per your preference, enabling your waiters to deliver speedy service by efficiently matching the correct table with the respective dishes.

Our POS operates on multi-platform POS:

Our Restaurant POS is compatible with multiple platforms, ranging from tablets to mobile devices. 

The choice of device is yours, and our software can be easily operated on any of them. Additionally, it incorporates augmented reality features that provide real-time experiences of the restaurant to users. Moreover, our system offers a split-billing system, enhancing convenience for both users and staff.

Final thoughts: 

Now, we are confident that you will be convinced that our POS software is the best choice for your restaurant in Dubai. If you are looking for a quote, please contact us right now.

Also read: Traits of advanced POS system software